E-Tech Process Heaters
Direct-Fired Heaters Ranging from 0.5 to 50 mmBtu/hr.
Custom-engineered options to fit your applications.
E-Tech direct-fired heaters are designed to meet the thermal needs of your system while minimizing fuel usage. Our engineers specialize in the design of two types of high efficiency direct-fired heaters: vertical cylindrical heaters for smaller applications and horizontal cabin heaters for larger ones. We use top-of-the-line burners that can be fueled by natural gas or oil, and that minimize NOx and CO2 emission levels. Our long-life units can be engineered precisely to your size and space requirements.
At E-Tech, we’ve been engineering precise custom solutions for our customers’ waste heat recovery needs since 1976, producing literally thousands of designs for virtually every type of application.
Whether you purchase a single component or a complete system, your E-Tech waste heat recovery equipment will meet your needs effectively and reliably for years to come.
E-Tech, Inc.
9820 E. 41st Street, Suite 102
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146
Phone :: 918-665-1930
Fax :: 918-665-1935
Email :: [email protected]