ExhaustMizer™ Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery Solution

Recover Exhaust Heat Affordably, while Reducing Your Plant's Carbon Footprint.

Custom Engineered Options to Fit Your Specific Needs.

E-Tech’s ExhaustMizer waste heat recovery solutions can recover and transform the waste exhaust from any industrial reciprocating or gas turbine engine into useful steam or hot water, which can save you money and help reduce the carbon footprint of your facility.

Each unit is cost-effective, durable and designed to fit your specific needs. A bypass damper and control system can be included to manage both the steam created and the amount of heat recovered.

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E-Tech, Inc.
9820 E. 41st Street, Suite 102
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146
Phone :: 918-665-1930
Fax :: 918-665-1935
Email :: [email protected]