E-Tech's Combustion Air Heaters
Custom-Configured to your Plant's Space Allowances and Ductwork Layout.
Custom-engineered and built to last.
Our tubular air heaters allow you to recapture heat from combustion products to preheat combustion air. The improvement in efficiency can be as much as 2.5% for every 100 degrees of flue gas cooling.
Your E-Tech air heater is custom-designed to meet your specific requirements such as size and pressure drop while minimizing your capital costs. Our high-quality units use heavy carbon steel casing, carbon steel or alloy tubes and flanged air and gas connections, among other efficiency-minded features. Optional design features can be incorporated as required by your application.
At E-Tech, we’ve been engineering precise custom solutions for our customers’ waste heat recovery needs since 1976, producing literally thousands of designs for virtually every type of application.
Whether you purchase a single component or a complete system, your E-Tech waste heat recovery equipment will meet your needs effectively and reliably for years to come.
E-Tech, Inc.
9820 E. 41st Street, Suite 102
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146
Phone :: 918-665-1930
Fax :: 918-665-1935
Email :: [email protected]